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Are you frustrated with the time, money, and efforts spent on the typical bid process?  Do you desire a streamlined solution that satisfies state and local solicitation requirements?  A cooperative purchasing agency may the perfect solution for you.

Kiefer U.S.A., in conjunction with Mondo America, Inc. are proud members of several cooperative purchasing agencies.  We have successfully worked with numerous school districts, colleges and universities, and governmental agencies to ensure they obtained the specific products they desire while still satisfying their solicitation requirements.  Recent projects include field houses(rubber flooring and track), wood gymnasiums, weight rooms, artificial turf fields, and commercial flooring.

Cooperative Purchasing Agencies are governmental agencies that establish an alliance between buyers and suppliers for use by education, government and non-profits.

Cooperative contract purchasing leverages the national purchasing power of thousands of member agencies while also streamlining the required purchasing process. As a municipal national contracting agency, a cooperative purchasing agency establishes and provides nationally leveraged and competitively solicited purchasing contracts under the guidance of the Uniform Municipal Contracting Law. Joint Powers laws enable members to legally purchase through the contract.

Cooperative purchasing agencies have the legislative authority to establish contracts for government & education agencies nationally. They solicit, evaluate and award contracts through a competitive solicitation process on behalf of its members.

Members have a choice of these contracts and procurement processes, thereby satisfying local/state solicitation requirements and avoiding duplication of the process.

Members save time and money while also avoiding the unpleasant experience of low bid, low quality responses.

We suggest inquiring with your purchasing department to determine if your organization is already a member of a cooperative purchasing program.  Our experience has shown that many organizations are members of such programs but are unaware the purchase and installation of athletic surfaces is possible via the program.

If your organization is not already a member of such a program, it is simple to join.  Most memberships are at no cost, liability or obligation and the process takes only minutes.

For more information how your organization can team up with Kiefer U.S.A. to streamline your purchasing process please contact Dean Heidloff at (847) 245-8572 or

Amber Stromberg

Kiefer USA is a leading athletic surface design and sports flooring installation company. Amber Stromberg is a Director of Marketing. 10 Years with Kiefer.
Favorite Hobby: working out and spending time with her kids and family.

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KieferUSA Buyers Guide 2024

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